Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Focused On Christ

This past week at church the message was about knowing why we do what we do.. And being confident in doing it and sincere about it..

I struggle alot with this..

I am constantly questioning ..

~ Am I too hard on my kids..
~ Should I homeschool them..
~ Why can't I keep my house clean..
~ Am I loving my husband enough..
~ Am I joyful..
~ What do people think of me and how I raise my kids..
My list could go on and on...

I feel like I am questioning everything in my life and so it makes it hard to do anything well..

I feel like CHRIST is saying .. "KEEP your FOCUS on ME"

I can not be confident in anything but HIM.. He has NEVER failed me..

When I am questioning everything, it takes my focus off HIM and places it on me and what I am trying to do

I pray that as these questions pop in my head .. I would seek Christ for TRUTH and who I am in HIM!

I need to be sincere and confident in being his wife and the mother of our children.. I need to be an example to my family of how to keep my focus on CHRIST 

                                     “If God is for us, who can ever be against us? "
                                                       (Romans 8:31, NLT)

 "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."               Colossians 3:2  

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires." Romans 8:5


  1. Love it. Even though we know all these things, it's so easy to "slip away" from them and doubt creep in. Romans 8:31 is my favorite verse of all my life. It plays a huge roll with my anxiety issues. I love love love that pic. Beautiful beautiful family. I love you! Never doubt! You are doing an amazing job!!!

  2. I love this! It's me! I have been reading, "Desperate: Hope for the Mom who needs to breathe" and it is really helping me with my struggles. I love the short youtube videos that go along with it.

  3. You hit it on the head! I know when I start beating myself up with all those questions I have lost my focus on Christ. Another favorite..."Be still and know..." I think that's been my mantra lately.
