Monday, September 10, 2012


Jesse went on a Salmon fishing trip for a few days so the kids and I packed up and went to my Grandma's cabin on the lake! It was sooooo relaxing! It rained a little but we were ok with that,  the kids just played cards, snacked and even played in the rain some!

The kids swimming at the beach at Rocky Fork Lake. I told the kids we were going swimming at the beach, when we pulled in the parking lot Grady was VERY disappointed. He said "MOM,  this is not the beach!" We have been spoiled by the real beach! :)

If you can see the little boat in the picture, that is my dad and a friend fishing! They came over to the beach to wave at the kids swimming then went back to catching fish!

Beautiful day at the Lake!

Henry eating cheese puffs while we watched the kids swim!

I took the kids for a walk one evening and 2 puppies found us! My kids were in heaven  playing with those puppies :)

This is the view from the dinning room/ kitchen. Her cabin is right across the street from the lake! We love it there!

Nothing like waking up at the cabin and sitting on the porch in our jammies!

I took the kids out to the Amish bakery and got fresh bread, doughnuts, and pretzels !!


  1. Once again, you make Ohio look fun ;) who'd a knew that pretty place was around here?! Lol

  2. Oh my should have taken Bethany with you. She's OBSESSED with Amish people. I love the picture of your kids and the puppies... Your kids genuinely love one another. :)

  3. Love the pics!! Looks like a fun weekend :) Your kids are so squeezable...give them some squeezes from me please!!!
